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interview tips
Make sure you are not late to the interview.
If you are late, there is a high probability you will not get a job offer. Arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the interview. If you have a long drive, consider arriving much earlier to account for traffic and traffic related accident delays. It is always better to error on being early than late. If you are travelling to another city or state, consider arriving the night before.

Be sure you know the location of the interview.
Look up the address on the Internet and print both the directions and the map. Google maps and MapQuest are both good resources.

Be appropriately dressed for the interview.
First impressions do count, and your appearance will leave a lasting impression. Unless instructed differently, you should dress in professional business attire. Take appropriate shoes and safety gear if you are going on a plant tour. Business casual should be appropriate.

Take 5 copies of your resume with you.
If you meet with other individuals, you can then leave a copy of your resume with them. This shows you are well prepared. Be sure the resumes are professional looking. Plain white copy paper is fine, just be sure there are no folds, tears, wrinkles, etc.

Take 5 copies of your professional references list.
You should have a minimum of 4 references on the list, with 2 or 3 being former supervisors. Make sure you have contacted your references recently to confirm that they will provide you a positive professional reference.

Other documentation to take with you:
• Two forms of ID (typically your drivers license and Social Security card)
• Applicable professional licenses and/or certifications
• DD214 / Discharge documents
• Employment / travel visas, etc.

Be personable and enthusiastic.
Smile and show enthusiasm for the position during the whole interview process. Happy, enthusiastic, personable people have been proven to be more successful in all aspects of life. Lack this and you are almost assured not to receive a job offer. Make sure that you show you are interested in all aspects of the job.

Sell yourself for the position.
Comment on your similar experiences. Comment on how you like new challenges. Mention how much you like this type of work. If you have letters of recommendation from former supervisors, bring them along and sell the interviewer on those recommendations. Tell them how much you would like this position.

Let the interviewer manage the interview process.
Be attentive to the interviewer's time. Many interviewers have a limited amount of time to talk with you, ask their questions, and field your responses. Many candidates do not receive an offer simply because they talked too much. However, be sure to open up and fully answer all questions to give the interviewer a good idea of your personality and knowledge, but don’t overdue it. Again, be attentive to the interviewer's time.

If you have questions, save them for the end of the interview.
Most of the time your questions will be answered during the interview process without you having to ask them.

Avoid asking questions on your interview regarding pay or benefits.
The appropriate time to discuss this information is when an offer has been made to you. If the interviewer asks you questions regarding this, answer their questions, but try to avoid getting into a negotiation on money. A good response is, “I’m negotiable, depending on the total compensation package.” Or, "money is not the most important thing to me; I would like to look at all aspects of the position."

Make sure you collect the names of your interviewers and their contact information.
Business cards are a great way to get this information. After the interview, you can then use that information to email a thank you letter, expressing your interest in the position and thanking them for their time in meeting with you.

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